peter flahiff

Peter Flahiff began swing dancing in 1993 and started teaching just one year later. He’s been a featured instructor across the United States and around the world, including Herrang Dance Camp (Sweden,) Lindy Focus (USA,) Camp Hollywood (USA,) California Balboa Classic (USA,) Balboa on the River (Australia,) and many more. Peter has been a featured DJ at The Snowball, The Experiment, California Balboa Classic, Hot Rhythm Holiday, and Camp Hollywood, to name a few.

Peter has shared his renowned lecture/discussion “The Art of Social Dancing” at events and workshops around the world for over a decade to universal acclaim. Today, he counts some of the world’s top dancers and instructors as his own former students, and his classes are noted for their humor and great instruction. His worldwide reputation as a highly sought-after social dancer has kept him on dance floors around the world until the wee hours, for decades.

Peter’s love for fostering the global dance community has led him to create several thriving venues over the years (Rusty’s Rhythm Club in Los Angeles, ATOMIC Ballroom in Orange County, and Eastside Stomp in Seattle) and helped to start several dance scenes around the United States. Peter is also a noted emcee, coach, lecturer, and competition judge.