argentine tango

What is Argentine Tango?

Argentine Tango relies heavily on improvisation and is danced in an embrace that can vary from very open, in which leader and follower connect at arms length, to very closed, in which the connection is chest-to-chest, or anywhere in between. Tango is essentially walking with a partner to the music. Dancing appropriately to the emotion and speed of a Tango is extremely important. A good dancer is one who transmits a feeling of the music to the partner, leading them effectively throughout the dance.

Listed below are the Tango classes we offer. We don’t always offer every class, so make sure to check the Class Schedule to see what is offered each session.

Class Instructors: 

Classes we offer


Intro to Tango – Level One
We start together by establishing the fundamentals of Argentine Tango – How to navigate the floor while walking with our partners to the music. This class focuses on basic vocabulary and technique in both ‘parallel system’ and ‘cross system.’ Our aim is to help dancers feel fluid and natural in their movement, inspire improvisation, and assist in an easy transition to Tango 2.

You will learn several essential movements for the social dance floor so by the end of the series, you will feel like you are actually dancing! You do not have to bring a partner, Century Ballroom strives to have all classes balanced for both roles.

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Tango 2a/b/c
Tango 1a and 1b or instructor’s permission

We offer regular intermediate courses, focusing on the most fundamental element in Tango – Giros! Our level two series rotates between Tango 2A, 2B and 2C. Each series offers different elements, combinations and creative ways to developing your dance. These series can be taken in any order.

Tango 2a: The Giro: The next most fundamental element to Tango. We explore drills, technique, and timing to the giro. We will look at several variations on entering and exiting the giro and how to comfortably add this new element to your dance.

Tango 2b: Sacadas!: We will look specifically at displacements and how and when to sacada in the giro. We will play with different combinations where both, the leader and follower, give and take sacadas.

Tango 2c: Barrida Barrida: We will look specifically at tomadas, barridas and paradas; “how” and “when” to use these elements in the giro. We will play with different combinations where both, the leader and follower, give and take barridas as well as change of directions.

Tango 2a, 2b & 2c AND instructor permission

The Tango Lab – Each series we will explore a new technique, concept or advanced element in tango. Our aim is to build a community of warm, open people and amazing social dancers. We want to invite dancers to take a journey with us over the course of this year to find a more natural dance, freedom and creativity in their movement, and find a balance of give-and-take with our partners. Each series will build on the prior one, but don’t be shy to join us at any point of the year (the fundamental concepts of movements are always reoccurring). Topics we will cover this year – in depth understanding of axis/front and back body, dancing with the free leg, easier pivots and giros, musicality, ganchos and boleos, change of direction, and more.